Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

Your team of experts

Dr. med. Yohan Ko


Dr. Hristomir Dimitrov


José Francisco Suárez Sánchez (M.D.)


Dr. med. Isabel Kiehlmann


Facts on wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

Areas of application:Cheeks, lower eyelids, temples, brow, nose, nasolabial folds, corner of the mouth, lips, hands, eye area
Treatment duration:20-60 min
Anaesthesia:None or numbing cream
Post-treatment:Check-ups after 14 days, 6 months, 1 year
Presentable:Depending on the area, after 1 hour or longer
Costs:From 420 €

As we grow older, our skin loses its volume and elasticity. As a result, wrinkles form in areas where the skin becomes slack, considerably ageing a person’s facial appearance. The effects of ageing can be very troubling for those affected, particularly if such wrinkles appear at a relatively young age. Various factors can further accelerate the ageing process, such as smoking, high levels of solar radiation and genetic predisposition.

Treatments with hyaluronic acid return lost volume in a gentle procedure that is kind to the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the skin and regulates the tissue’s fluid balance. In wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid, we use a targeted procedure to give the skin the moisture it lacks. Afterwards, the face appears refreshed, taut and visibly rejuvenated.

Of course, we would be happy to advise you personally on wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid. And, if you’re unsure whether a hyaluronic acid wrinkle treatment is suitable for you, why not arrange a non-binding consultation appointment?

Frequently asked questions on wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

At Central Aesthetics, we use hyaluronic acid as a filler to plump up wrinkles and slackened facial skin. The compound we use affords the skin new volume, meaning that even pronounced wrinkles are visibly smoothed. Wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid can be used, for example, to tauten nasolabial folds, brow lines and wrinkles in the upper lip area. The treatment can also emphasise your facial contours and add additional, attractive toning.

We use hyaluronic acid of different consistencies depending on the facial area treated. For instance, more dense preparations are suitable for adding volume to the skin, while thinner compounds can be used to smoothen the upper dermal layers.

In some cases, expression lines resulting from facial muscle activity can also be treated with hyaluronic acid. Nevertheless, the muscles will continue to work as before beneath the skin and quickly cause new wrinkles to form. This is why we predominantly use Botox to treat expression lines. Before the treatment, we’ll give you an in-depth consultation to discuss which form of wrinkle treatment would be most effective in your case.

While we use synthetically produced hyaluronic acid in our wrinkle treatments, the body breaks this substance down just like natural hyaluronic acid – which means that the effects of such wrinkle treatments fade over time. Exactly how long the tautening effect lasts differs from one individual to the next. In addition to the compound used, the quality of an individual’s body tissue and their metabolism also play a role.

Generally speaking, the effects should last for around 12–18 months, though for treatments in certain areas (such as the nasal area) they can last for as long as two years. The wrinkle treatment can then be repeated at any time.

The hyaluronic acid we use in our treatments is completely broken down by the human body, meaning that the treatment can be repeated as often as desired. The intervals between treatments are determined by how quickly the acid’s effects fade. In our experience, the effects tend to dissipate after approximately 12–18 months. If you would like another treatment to revitalise your skin again at a later date, we would be more than happy to perform another treatment.

The price of a hyaluronic acid treatment depends on how much of the substance is used: it costs around €420 per millilitre. For many patients, this amount is sufficient. However, depending on the condition of your skin and the thickness of the tissue, the final costs could be somewhat higher.

Wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid are low-risk procedures in which complications are extremely rare. As an endogenous substance, hyaluronic acid is usually very well tolerated and causes neither allergic nor intolerance reactions.

A slight pilling effect may appear in the tissue directly after the treatment. If these symptoms persist, a special enzyme can be deployed to remedy the situation.

In very rare cases, wrinkle treatments with hyaluronic acid can lead to inflammations or blockages in small blood vessels.

Hyaluronic acid and Botox are two very different substances that vary considerably in terms of their effects and use. Hyaluronic acid is used as a filler to give slackened tissue more volume. Botox, on the other hand, affects the muscles: it temporarily reduces the activity of specific facial muscles which are responsible for the formation of wrinkles known as laugh lines or expression lines. Both substances are therefore aimed at smoothing out wrinkles, but take very different approaches.

At Central Aesthetics, we’d be happy to advise you on which method would best help to make your desired results a reality. If you wish, we can also combine several applications to achieve an optimal effect.


Central Aesthetics by Dr. Deb
Mainzer Landstraße 65
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours

Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday                   8:30am - 6:00pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm

and by appointment